Got his dental degree in
1986 - at the Semmelweis Medical University
1988 - speciality exam in oral and dental healthcare
1995 - medical degree at Semmelweis Medical University
1996 - speciality exam in maxillo-facial surgery
1986-1996 - worked at the Semmelweis Medical University
Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
1991 - 1990 - at the Viennese University Clinic
1996 - 2007 - worked at the Head and Neck Surgery
Department of the Central Military Hospital-Budapest
2008 - private praxis
Péterfy Hospital an Emergency Centre, Budapest
Heim Pál Children's Hospital, Budapest
St. Imre Hospital, Budapest
Veres-Dent Dental Centre, Veresegyház
Spec: implantology,
implant prosthodontics, augmentation of atrophyzed
jaws, preimplantology, jawdeformities
Language: english, german,